Añuil Pregnancy Care Services

The mission of this agency is to promote and empower healthy transitions into parenthood through enhanced support services and education on pre- and post-natal care, nutrition, and positive-parenting.                                                 

Strengthen Awareness

Our Goal is to identify and strengthen awareness of social barriers in an effort to increase self-sufficiency and parent-child relationships through collaborative community partnerships and demonstration of healthy coping strategies.

Get Information

We help individuals and families make the best informed decisions through education on reproductive health, pregnancy awareness, and parenting from a strengths-based perspective.

Quality of Care is Our Mission

We ensure access and continuity of care/services to promote improved reproductive health and birth outcomes.

It's Always Better to be Ready

$ 61937
Average Household Income in the US
Pregnancy's happen per month in the US
46 %
Average Planned Pregnancy in The US
Join Our Initiative

C.O.C.O.A’ s program (Charitable Opportunities that Create Operational Achievements)

Pregnant women and expecting parents-to-be can obtain an appointment with an experienced Community Support Specialist (employee of the company) who will provide direct support and recommendations on identified needs and/or concerns. Many new parents are overwhelmed with the process of adjusting to major life events, such as becoming a parent, and this can be an inviting opportunity to help new parents and parents-to-be make informed decisions and meet individuals in similar situations through our “Mama/Papa & Me” group sessions.

Añuli Pregnancy Care Services strives to provide a welcoming, safe, and encouraging environment for all parents-to-be and for those who may be going through the family planning process. Having a baby is a major life-changing event, whether planned or unplanned, we are here to support you. In addition; potential underlying social barriers can influence labor & delivery outcomes. While pregnancy may be an exciting, but yet unpredictable journey, we understand and value that every pregnancy is unique in its own way!

Ways to Donate

Whether donating New or gently used baby items, your time, or your services we sincerely appreciate your support!

* We accept the following items: New baby bottles and pacifiers; new baby shampoo, body wash, and lotion; maternity clothes; preemie & diapers (all sizes); pull-ups (all sizes); and other new or gently-used baby items (like baby clothes, etc.)

World is Full with Strong Pregnant Woman

Together We can Make The Parenting Transition